- This community is well aware of the existence of Paramount Pictures and its official StarTrek website.
- This community does not provoke, support nor facilitate in any way regarding piracy of Paramount's StarTrek films and movies.
- This community does not facilitate its members to sell nor buy any StarTrek related products / merchandises. However, this community does not responsible for personal conducts between members using private channels.
- Discussions are watched by moderators. Moderators have the right to dismiss or expel the members who are not following rules.
- The discussion channels are written-based with no visual contact. Therefore, when participating in discussion, it is strongly suggested for every member to use emoticon to indicate the emotion in the words written to prevent misunderstanding.
- Discussion topics MUST be StarTrek related.
- DO NOT provoke piracy conduct of any StarTrek films or movies.
- DO NOT submit SPAM or advertisement email.
- DO NOT abuse other genre of community in any way.
- DO NOT abuse other member in any way.
- DO NOT engage in conflict. Report any abuse to moderator. Moderators have the obligation to stop conflict and the right to dismiss or expel members who are not following rules.
- DO NOT attach file(s) when posting email.
- PREVENT to post a one-line message.
- It is NOT recommended to post personal information e.g. phone number, home/office address, etc.